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 The new locomotive
We have acquired another locomotive. It is quite similar to Y Ddraig Goch, though it has it's own tender, rather than a separate driving truck. Here is is on its first public outing, with Graham Slade at the regulator.

Mid Wales Model Engineers on Social Media

Find us on for the latest news, pictures and updates of our activities

Joining the Society

Membership of the Mid Wales Model Engineering Society is open to everyone. All you need is an interest in engineering! If you would like to join us we would be delighted to welcome you to the club. Please email the secretary for more information.

Running Dates and Meetings for 2023

Running Dates

We have been running trains thie year since the Easter weekend and we look forward to seeing all our patrons who come along to ride and support. We hope to be operating again most weekends throughout the summer. Trains operate from around 11:00 a.m until about 16:00, weather and staffing permitting. For updated information about train running, please see our Facebook Page

Our next running days:-
  • Saturday, 6th July 11.00 to 15.30
  • Saturday, 20th July 11.00 to 15.30
  • Saturday, 27th July 11.00 to 15.30

  • Saturday, 3rd August 11.00 to 15.30
  • Saturday, 10th August 11.00 to 15.30
  • Saturday, 17th August 11.00 to 15.30
  • Saturday, 24th August 11.00 to 15.30
  • Saturday, 31st August 11.00 to 15.30


The group meets at the Park Track on Thursdays to carry out maintenance from around 10:30. Any assistance is greatly welcomed. If the weather is bad the meeting is held in Severn Park Cafe, adjacent to Newtown Bus Station.

At the weekend, members have been constructing new track panels at a site away from our railway. If you would like to help us with this valuable work, please contact the Secretary
 New track panels, February 2024
Here are some of the amazing new dual gauge track panels built by our Permanent Way Team awaiting delivery to Newtown.

Mid Wales Model Engineering Society
   c/o Mynachdy Sant Elias,  New Mills, Newtown, Powys, SY16 3NQ, Wales, U. K.
© Mid Wales M.E.S. 2010-2024
All Rights Reserved
Website:- Angus Eickhoff